Bushfire Recovery

This page is here to support our community in recovery from bushfire. If you have been affected, there are a range of supports still available.
NSW Bushfire Customer Care Service
For people impacted by bushfire, the NSW Bushfire Customer Care Service will help you navigate the support and financial assistance that's available across all levels of government.
Service NSW is providing one-on-one support for people and businesses, available over the phone or in-person.
Call 13 77 88 or visit www.service.nsw.gov.au for locations of Service NSW, and Mobile Service Centres.
Community Hubs provide weekly face to face support in the Community Tuesday to Friday in Bilpin, Wilberforce, Colo Heights and St Albans. Open again from February 1.
Please click here for all the HUBS INFORMATION
For the current availability of food and emergency support services click HERE
For the Community Services information click HERE
Service NSW are providing a one stop shop for people and businesses to access all available recovery services. People can call 13 77 88 or visit https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/floods#disaster-assistance-finder to access the assistance currently avaialble.
Insurance For advice on making an insurance claim, visit www.insurancecouncil.com.au/ or phone the ICA hotline on 1800 734 621.
Legal Aid For help with legal problems including insurance claims and disputes, financial hardship, tenancy and Centrelink, visit the Disaster Response Legal Service at www.disasterhelp.legalaid.nsw.gov.au/how-we-can-help or phone 1800 801 529
Where else to get help:
- For Mental Health Support 24hours/7 days you can call: Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Beyond Blue on 1300 224 636 or the NSW Mental Health Line on 1800 011 511
- A range of other Mental Health and Wellbeing Services are listed here
Click here to be directed to Council's Disaster and Emergency Dashboard or information on local Road & Ferry Closures, Weather Warnings & Radar, River Heights and how to Prepare for Emergencies.
We know people can be affected by bushfire in many, varied ways over a long period of time. Please be aware that there are still a range of supports available from services that can meet with you in your home or community. For more information view the listing HERE.
For the latest information on Flood Recovery, please head to our Flood Recovery Information page
This page is here to support our community in recovery from bushfire. If you have been affected, there are a range of supports still available.
NSW Bushfire Customer Care Service
For people impacted by bushfire, the NSW Bushfire Customer Care Service will help you navigate the support and financial assistance that's available across all levels of government.
Service NSW is providing one-on-one support for people and businesses, available over the phone or in-person.
Call 13 77 88 or visit www.service.nsw.gov.au for locations of Service NSW, and Mobile Service Centres.
Community Hubs provide weekly face to face support in the Community Tuesday to Friday in Bilpin, Wilberforce, Colo Heights and St Albans. Open again from February 1.
Please click here for all the HUBS INFORMATION
For the current availability of food and emergency support services click HERE
For the Community Services information click HERE
Service NSW are providing a one stop shop for people and businesses to access all available recovery services. People can call 13 77 88 or visit https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/floods#disaster-assistance-finder to access the assistance currently avaialble.
Insurance For advice on making an insurance claim, visit www.insurancecouncil.com.au/ or phone the ICA hotline on 1800 734 621.
Legal Aid For help with legal problems including insurance claims and disputes, financial hardship, tenancy and Centrelink, visit the Disaster Response Legal Service at www.disasterhelp.legalaid.nsw.gov.au/how-we-can-help or phone 1800 801 529
Where else to get help:
- For Mental Health Support 24hours/7 days you can call: Lifeline on 13 11 14 or Beyond Blue on 1300 224 636 or the NSW Mental Health Line on 1800 011 511
- A range of other Mental Health and Wellbeing Services are listed here
Click here to be directed to Council's Disaster and Emergency Dashboard or information on local Road & Ferry Closures, Weather Warnings & Radar, River Heights and how to Prepare for Emergencies.
We know people can be affected by bushfire in many, varied ways over a long period of time. Please be aware that there are still a range of supports available from services that can meet with you in your home or community. For more information view the listing HERE.
For the latest information on Flood Recovery, please head to our Flood Recovery Information page
Special Disaster Grants – Primary Producers
Share Special Disaster Grants – Primary Producers on Facebook Share Special Disaster Grants – Primary Producers on Twitter Share Special Disaster Grants – Primary Producers on Linkedin Email Special Disaster Grants – Primary Producers linkUp to a maximum of $75,000 in grant funding is now available to eligible primary producers in areas directly affected by the NSW bushfires and other declared Natural Disasters. Grants are designed to help primary producers pay for immediate costs associated with property clean-up, reinstatement activities and other emergency measures, such as disposing of dead stock, and rebuilding or replacing damaged or destroyed on-farm infrastructure. Applications close 31 July 2020. Information - https://www.raa.nsw.gov.au/disaster-assistance/special-disaster-grant-bushfires Online application form - https://www.raa.nsw.gov.au/disaster-assistance/special-disaster-grant-bushfires/special-disaster-grant-bushfires
Small Business and Non-Profit Organisations Grants of up to $50,000
Share Small Business and Non-Profit Organisations Grants of up to $50,000 on Facebook Share Small Business and Non-Profit Organisations Grants of up to $50,000 on Twitter Share Small Business and Non-Profit Organisations Grants of up to $50,000 on Linkedin Email Small Business and Non-Profit Organisations Grants of up to $50,000 linkGrants of up to $50,000 are available to eligible small businesses and non-profit organisations that have suffered direct damage to their premises or equipment as a result of the NSW bushfires. Grants are designed to help cover the costs associated with the clean-up and reinstatement of entities’ operations, such as the removal and disposal of damaged goods and materials, the hire or purchase of essential goods and/or replacing stock needed to resume operations.
Information - https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/apply-bushfire-recovery-grant-directly-impacted-small-businesses#introduction
Bushfire Royal Commission - Public Submission Extension
Share Bushfire Royal Commission - Public Submission Extension on Facebook Share Bushfire Royal Commission - Public Submission Extension on Twitter Share Bushfire Royal Commission - Public Submission Extension on Linkedin Email Bushfire Royal Commission - Public Submission Extension linkThe Commission has adjusted its schedule in line with current health advice to limit public gatherings. The Commission has now extended the closing date for the public submission period by two weeks to 17 April 2020. Submissions can be made through the Royal Commission's online submission portal at https://naturaldisaster.royalcommission.gov.au/submissions.
Contact details for enquires about the Royal Commission:
Email: rcnda.enquiries@royalcommission.gov.au
Post: Locked Bag 2000, Manuka, ACT 2603
Call: 1800 909 826 (note this information line is currently operating on a call-back basis due to staffing arrangements relating to coronavirus).
Update from NSW Government Long Service Corporation
Share Update from NSW Government Long Service Corporation on Facebook Share Update from NSW Government Long Service Corporation on Twitter Share Update from NSW Government Long Service Corporation on Linkedin Email Update from NSW Government Long Service Corporation linkBuilding and Construction Industry Long Service PaymentsAmendment (Bushfire Relief) Regulation 2020The NSW Government continues to deliver bushfire recovery assistance to help people and businessesin NSW impacted by the 2019/2020 bushfires.The new Building and Construction Industry Long Service Payments Amendment (Bushfire Relief)Regulation 2020 allows for a person liable to pay the long service levy under the Building andConstruction Industry Long Service Payments Act 1986 to apply for an Exemption or Partial Exemptionof up to $3,500 (cost of works up to $1,000,000 incl GST). The Exemption applies to the replacementor repair of buildings that were destroyed or damaged as a result of NSW bushfires, during the period1 July 2019 and 2 March 2020, other than the erection of a building by or on behalf of the Crown.Applications for Exemption are to be received directly by the Corporation in writing before 2 March2023. On acceptance of the application, the Corporation will verify the details with the relevant LGAand provide a certificate to the applicant confirming if the conditions of the Exemption have been metand the value of the Exemption or Partial Exemption granted. Where a partial Exemption is granted,any balance of levy payable must be received by the Corporation, and receipt issued, to show the fulllevy liability has been satisfied in accordance with the Act.Please find attached a copy of the Exemption Application form which is also available online viaThe completed application should be forwarded to levy@longservice.nsw.gov.auPlease also be advised that where a customer has already paid the levy which would otherwise havesatisfied the conditions of this Exemption, by completing the above form, once approved, a refundmay be forthcoming.For further advice, please contact the Corporation Helpline 13 14 41. -
Bushfire Recovery Services Continuing During Coronavirus (COVID 19) Closures
Share Bushfire Recovery Services Continuing During Coronavirus (COVID 19) Closures on Facebook Share Bushfire Recovery Services Continuing During Coronavirus (COVID 19) Closures on Twitter Share Bushfire Recovery Services Continuing During Coronavirus (COVID 19) Closures on Linkedin Email Bushfire Recovery Services Continuing During Coronavirus (COVID 19) Closures linkAlthough Council has closed its in-person access at our Administration Building in Windsor, essential services including any bushfire recovery enquiries will be maintained.
Council encourages our community to use our online services at www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au or contact us by calling our Customer Service Team on 4560 4444 or by email to council@hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au
Phone assistance for NSW Bushfire Inquiry and Bushfires Royal Commission
Share Phone assistance for NSW Bushfire Inquiry and Bushfires Royal Commission on Facebook Share Phone assistance for NSW Bushfire Inquiry and Bushfires Royal Commission on Twitter Share Phone assistance for NSW Bushfire Inquiry and Bushfires Royal Commission on Linkedin Email Phone assistance for NSW Bushfire Inquiry and Bushfires Royal Commission linkHawkesbury City Council is required to cancel the community session that was planned for Tuesday, 24 March at the Hawkesbury Digital Domain at the Deerubbin Centre.
This is a precautionary measure for community members and Council staff due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus).
In place of the drop in face-to-face session, Council is providing a phone assistance service for
1. the NSW Government’s Bushfires Inquiry and
2. the Federal Government’s Bushfires Royal Commission.
Please call Council’s Customer Service on 4560 4444 for assistance.
NSW Bushfire Inquiry Submission are open until Friday, 27 March 2020.
NSW Inquiry submissions can be made at any time at
www.nsw.gov.au/improving-nsw/projects-and-initiatives/make-a-submission-to-the-bushfire-inquiryor by calling 13 77 88 or via email inquiries@bushfireinquiry.nsw.gov.au
or in person at any Service NSW service centre or at a Mobile Service Centre.
Royal Commission Submissions open until Friday, 3 April 2020.
Community members now have the chance to make submissions to the Federal Government’s Royal Commission into National Natural Disaster Arrangements, also known as the Bushfires Royal Commission. Hawkesbury City Council is encouraging community members to make submissions.
Royal Commission submissions can be made at any time at https://naturaldisaster.royalcommission.gov.au/submissions
or call 1800 909 826 to make a Royal Commission submission over the phone or to request a hard copy form.
Council is also making hard copy submission forms for both the NSW Inquiry and the Federal Government’s Royal Commission available at various locations in the Hawkesbury including Council’s Administration Building, Hawkesbury Central Library Windsor, Richmond Branch Library and central locations in Colo, Bilpin, Kurrajong, Kurrajong Heights and St Albans. The forms are also available on Council’s website www.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au
Thank You Parade & Festival - CANCELLED
Share Thank You Parade & Festival - CANCELLED on Facebook Share Thank You Parade & Festival - CANCELLED on Twitter Share Thank You Parade & Festival - CANCELLED on Linkedin Email Thank You Parade & Festival - CANCELLED linkHawkesbury City Council will be postponing major events with an expected attendance of 500 people or more following the advice from the Federal and State Government regarding the Coronavirus (COVID 19).
This includes the ‘Hawkesbury Thank You Parade & Festival’ which was due to take place on Sunday, 29th March.
Updates on rescheduling Council’s major events will be available onwww.hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au
Mobile Service Centre to Visit Locations in the Hawkesbury
Share Mobile Service Centre to Visit Locations in the Hawkesbury on Facebook Share Mobile Service Centre to Visit Locations in the Hawkesbury on Twitter Share Mobile Service Centre to Visit Locations in the Hawkesbury on Linkedin Email Mobile Service Centre to Visit Locations in the Hawkesbury linkThe Australia Government's (Services Australia) Mobile Service Centre is visiting several locations in the Hawkesbury this month. Residents can find out about payments that they may be entitled to and can also receive assistance creating their own myGov account. Dates and locations are as follows:
Bilpin Community Hall Precinct, Bells Line of Road - Wednesday, 25 March
Colo Heights Community Hall Precinct, Putty Road - Thursday, 26 March
Archibald Hotel car park, Bells Line of Road, Kurrajong Heights - Friday, 27 MarchFor more information, go to servicesaustralia.gov.au/mobileoffice
Bushfire Affected Small Business Grant
Share Bushfire Affected Small Business Grant on Facebook Share Bushfire Affected Small Business Grant on Twitter Share Bushfire Affected Small Business Grant on Linkedin Email Bushfire Affected Small Business Grant linkThe Australian Government has announced a new $10,000 grant for small businesses in bushfire affected areas in the Hawkesbury. This grant is to assist with costs associated with recovering followng the fires, including salaries, wages, utilities, fuel and/or financial advise.More information can be found here https://www.bushfirerecovery.gov.au/small-business or call the state hotline on 13 77 88 to find out what's available to you.
Good News for our Orchardists
Share Good News for our Orchardists on Facebook Share Good News for our Orchardists on Twitter Share Good News for our Orchardists on Linkedin Email Good News for our Orchardists linkThe NSW Government has announced funding to clean-up orchards severely damaged by the recent bushfires.They’ll cover the cost of removing dangerous trees and damaged protective netting and posts orchards in Bilpin.The NSW Department of Primary Industries will be contacting local orchardists to arrange for the clean-up.The orchard clean-up is separate to the free clean-up program for residential and commercial buildings destroyed by bushfires, that is being delivered by Laing O’Rourke on behalf of the State and Federal Governments.Impacted property owners who would like to know if they are eligible for assistance with the clean-up of their property must register with Service NSW as soon as possible. Call 13 77 88 or register at: www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/register-opt-nsw-bushfire-clean
Hawkesbury City Council Community Recovery
Customer Service Team
Phone (02) 4560 4444 Email council@hawkesbury.nsw.gov.au
Step by Step Newsletter Autumn 2021 (290 KB) (pdf)
Landcare Network Flyer (482 KB) (pdf)
Fact sheet - fake tradies (68.7 KB) (pdf)
Landcare - Responding to Fire on Your Property (478 KB) (pdf)
HNARC WG Video Flyer_and_form_ (1.16 MB) (pdf)
Bushfire Recovery Knowledge Base - Community VERSION 18 - 28 July 2020.pdf (959 KB) (pdf)
Step by Step Newsletter Nov Dec 2020 (424 KB) (pdf)
Family Fun & Declutter Day - Colo Heights (2.25 MB) (jpg)
Listening Posts Information Sheet (433 KB) (pdf)
Red Cross - Wellbeing Courses (523 KB) (pdf)
Rebuilding and Repairing Building Damaged by Bushfire - May 2020.pdf (380 KB) (pdf)
Wellness Program Timetable (1.84 MB) (pdf)
Support for NSW businesses factsheet (457 KB) (pdf)
Salvation Army BUSHFIRE RECOVERY OUTREACH FLYER.pdf (139 KB) (pdf)
Anglicare Bushfire Assistance 032020.pdf (173 KB) (pdf)
Red Cross Info Sheet Financial Assistance 26062020.pdf (503 KB) (pdf)
Red Cross Webinars
Assistance for landholders and primary producers
Managing your mental health during and after a bushfire
NSW Bushfire Cleanup - Register Now
Laing O'Rourke clean up schedule
Brickworks offering free bricks / 50% off materials
Anniversary Check In (1.2 MB) (pdf)
Bendigo Bank & Salvation Army Education and Workplace Pathways Grant available for bushfire affected young people (15-25)
Resources & Tips for Parents School Hols -2020 (485 KB) (pdf)
Grants to support the delivery of bushfire recovery projects for wildlife and their habitat
Community Recovery Information - Edition No. 1 - 13 December 2019 (231.7 KB)
Community Recovery Information - Edition No. 2 - 24 December 2019 (145.0 KB)
Community Recovery Information Edition No. 3 - 10 January 2020
Community Recovery Information - Edition No. 4 - 4 February 2020 (146.8 KB)
Community Recovery Information - Edition No. 5 - 10 March 2020 (325.0 KB)